Without grace it's just legalism, and it kills. Which is what Kim Davis did. She is the opposite of the grace and gospel that Jesus gave. What she did is shameful. Had she prayed for the same-sex couples instead and still did her job, then she'd be pointing towards a loving God, and not to a self-righteous self.
Here's a worthy read from @kaj33 : http://time.com/4024556/kareem-abdul-jabbar-kim-davis/
And here's what Anne had to say.
Anne Rice is my favorite novelist. In this blog, I seek to chronicle my relationship to her books as I re-read them chronologically, meaning, in the order they were published. This blog will be intensely personal, and may contain spoilers!
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Christianity without grace is not true Christianity
Chapter 3 of The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty.
In one of Anne's interviews published on YouTube, she said, "In art and sexuality lie redemption and hope." I wonder if she meant this about her Beauty series. Surely the reader's sexuality is brought to awareness to the extent that his imagination serves him and his willingness to join the characters in sexual exploration allows him.
In this chapter Beauty becomes all the more aware of her body. Do we need to go through training as a pleasure slave to learn this? Secretly, I'd love to be a pleasure slave, although my body built isn't as sexy as the male slaves'.
Beauty was becoming aware of her own sexuality, slowly accepting of her fate, and being shocked at the impulses and desires. Oh, how wonderful it would be to serve the Prince this way, I think, to undress a beautiful and powerful lord with one's teeth! And he teaches her something else to do with her mouth. Hot!
I love this sentence: "With each crack of the paddle you must think of the next and the next and that it is your Prince doing it to you, giving you this pain." Lessons in being masochistic! I love it! And also complete servitude. But Beauty's lessons are far from over.
The innkeeper girl makes another appearance here.
That old joke. The masochist told the sadist, "Hurt me." And the sadist replied, "No." Well, the Prince wouldn't take Beauty tonight, leaving her consumed in her desire for him.