Thursday, June 16, 2016


Becket posted something humorous today on Anne's FB page. He wrote:

Becket here: As the assistant to a brilliant author, I am blessed to experience rare treats. This morning, waiting in my email inbox was a priceless gem:

To: Becket
From: Anne Rice

"As the creative novel writing community residing in the brain of Anne Rice concentrates all its force on finishing a novel, massive doughnut shortages loom. Indeed, a complete lack of jelly doughnuts in particular, with powdered sugar on them, may force the creative novel writing community residing in Anne Rice's brain to fail to reach its maximum productivity, so crucial to creative growth in completing a novel in the next few days. All those who are able to provide reasonable amounts of jelly doughnuts, and doughnut holes, and maybe jelly doughnut holes even though jelly doughnuts traditionally don't have holes, are urged to bring these supplies to the area, so that the creative community can continue its feverish activity while still slipping into the kitchen zone of the upstairs area to drink coffee and eat doughnuts at will. Note the words reasonable amounts. 'Far be it from me to want to create a wasteful surplus of jelly doughnuts,' said one aspect of Anne Rice's personality as the creative community rose from the keyboard to go take a shower at 9:51 a.m. today. Fear not."

This is hilarious! And made my day as I loooove doughnuts myself. Here's some for you, Lady Anne!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Anne Rice on classic writers

Anne loves classic writers and often return to her favorites to refresh her internal image pool and learn, learn, learn from the masters of writing. Here's what she had to say of Henry James.

It is rather unfortunate that I have not read this classic, and perhaps I should add it to my reading list. I wish I live to be a hundred and fifty to read all the books on my growing list.

I have a few hardcovers of Charles Dickens's novels. I must get to reading them, too. As a child I fell in love with A Christmas Carol, believing its plot to be perfect and seamless--impossible to replicate!

Ahhh, Shakespeare! Well, I haven't read them all, but the few that I read I know are so rich one can devote a lifetime to studying Shakespeare. And as a thespian, Shakespeare has taught me to act more than any other playwright. I wish that before I leave this earth to play in all of Shakespeare's plays, bit part or main role!

Virginia Woolf... I have a volume of her works, and will get to her soon. As for Ernest Hemingway, I am in love with The Old Man and the Sea, as everyone I know who have read it is. I need to read more of his works. Incidentally, earlier today I found an article on listing Hemingway's best writing advice. They're fantastic, I think, and worthy to be checked out. So, here's to reading, and to reading the classics! Thanks, Anne, for being a lighthouse shining the path to the Masters of Storytelling!

Monday, June 13, 2016


Anne Rice took to her Page to express her grief and outrage at the recent news of the Orlando shooting. She condemned the terrorist attack against the LGBT community, calling it an assault on all the American people, at the same time called for the nation to heal with love and unity.

Here are some snapshots of her recent posts on the terrible tragedy.