Thursday, July 16, 2015

Let's take a peek into Josh Boone's IG

 I envy that book collection! Anne posted on her Page this wonderful news.
As many of you know Universal Studios, and Imagine Entertainment optioned the Vampire Chronicles. We hear Josh Boone (director of "The Fault in Our Stars") is hard at work on the next Lestat movie. Josh is a writer/director. Things look better than ever for a relaunch of my beloved Children of Darkness on the silver screen.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Go Set A Watchman is released today!

Possibly the most anticipated sequel in writing history, Harper Lee's Go Set A Watchman finally hits bookstores today, and I'm excited. I've read people say that Atticus Finch took a dark turn, but don't we all have our own shadows?

The Guardian gave us an amazing preview on their site. Experience the first full chapter here.

There's been a lot of controversy surrounding the posthumous release of this novel. Anne Rice weighed in her thoughts on her page:
I'm looking forward to Harper Lee's new novel. And frankly don't want to read another word "about" it. I want to read it. Jonathan Burham is a highly respected editor in a highly respected publishing house. If he says Ms. Lee is pleased with this publication that's good enough for me.
So, who's as excited as I am?