Saturday, November 7, 2015

Beauty's Kingdom, a review

Become Your BodyThis review originally appeared on Amazon.  If you find it useful, please vote Yes on Amazon.  Thanks!)

The book is a work of beauty. Rich cobalt blue with flourishing Rococo design (probably the Bellavalten coat-of-arms), accented by gold lettering. It is a sight to behold. Newly outed erotica fans may not recognize Beauty's Kingdom as an adult novel written for pure sexual pleasure. This is probably because they, as in the case of my co-workers, got into the genre by downloading a surreptitious pdf copy of Shades, with its cold and drab cover design, which they clandestinely read during office hours. Grey fans would be delighted to read The Beauty Series I believe, with its delicious master-slave roles played out by both women and men. The ruler of Bellavalten was a powerful female, Queen Eleanor. Not to say only men become slaves. There are female slaves, too.

I am grateful to receive this hardbound copy of Beauty's Kingdom in exchange for this honest review. Thankful because when the book became available in local bookstores here in the Philippines, there only was the softcover trade paperback editions. I am glad to be an owner of the hardbound edition.

Each Beauty book is not a rehash of its predecessor. In fact it outdoes the last in pushing the limits of sexual exploration and pleasure. Unlike other popular titles of the genre, you won't just find the same old formulaic story told in the other character's point-of-view, as is EL James's reportedly next project, or a gender-switch as in Twilight, which is Meyers's rehashing her own work. I comfort myself with the thought that as long as there'll be newer Roquelaure or Rampling books, Erotica will not lose its potency. I wonder if the book's plot, where Queen Eleanor loses interest in the games and traditions of the kingdom, alludes to the decline of the quality of erotica currently out in the market, albeit the great hype and interest generated by Fifty Shades. Now I can't comment about Shades because I've never read it, only heard about it from friends who did (they don't recommend it, though).

I have not read Punishment and Release yet (books 2 and 3 in this series), and I am glad that back stories are woven ever so smoothly into Beauty's Kingdom for crucial plot points I've missed. Sure, it may come as a spoiler, but these backstories were seamlessly told that it almost felt like my mind was simply trailing back to a memory of a favorite sexual adventure with an ex-lover. Besides, nothing can keep me from reading the previous stories when I get the time for them.

my personal hardcover collection
I wasn't born yet when the first Beauty books were written. Beauty's Kingdom I feel is warmer and more inviting in atmosphere than The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. I think it comes at a very ripe time for readers to accept its ideas. Everywhere there is a sexual awakening. Gay marriage has been legalized in the US, and other South American and European countries. Hate crimes against the LGBT are increasingly condemned. There is a growing acceptance of people coming out and embracing the full spectrum of their sexuality. Labels such as straight, bisexual, homosexual, transgender are just that: labels (none of which are used at all in the Kingdom), and people are beginning to recognize each other as human beings born with dignity in their sexuality, stripped of this sexual categorizing as if to be straight is holier than other orientations. Stigma, although not yet completely eradicated, is losing ground. Even the Westboro Baptist Church is seen for what it is, hypocritical and unloving.

Not that the book advocates slavery. The setting is unmistakably Medieval, with high castles, and references to Oriental rugs, Russian boots, Indian and Ottoman riches. These bring to mind the hustle and bustle of the Silk Road and the thriving trade that is now part of the history of humankind. Beauty's Kingdom is a fantasy world, and obviously fiction. What it does advocate is a growing acceptance of one's physicality and sexuality.

Now, I don't approach the book wanting a philosophy or another view of the world. I go to other books of Anne Rice for that. I come to Beauty's Kingdom seeking pure reading pleasure. And Beauty provides it, not just with the erotic scenes, but with the luscious, voluptuous prose, and its array of delectable characters. Strong-willed, spirited, beautiful characters.Comparing it real quick with Anne Rice's previous novel, Prince Lestat: PL is a thriller, and a page-turner. Beauty's Kingdom gives a thrill of a different sort, and it asks to be read slowly, as if to savor a romantic foreplay—the salt on a lover's neck—or studying the anatomy of a Pony or favorite Slave.

And yet Beauty's Kingdom shows me that at this stage of humanity's sexual evolution there may be no more need for the harsh and rough and grating sexual awakening (such as that Beauty had by way of the Crown Prince's rape of her). Today's society needs less shock tactics and more gentle nudging, a prodding encouragement towards complete sexual awareness and accountability. In this again, A.N. Roquelaure proves herself ahead of our times, speaking about exactly where we are as human beings and pointing us to a realm we can collectively evolve towards, all the while entertaining us sublimely in a rich and robust fantasy world. If you allow it for yourself, it can be an experience of "silent submission—submission to the moment, submission to Beauty, submission to the kingdom, but, more significant, submission to [your] own nature, [your] own soul" (page 228).

My personal way to derive the most pleasure from the book is to assign celebrities with whom I have a crush on as the characters in Beauty's Kingdom. Often I looked with longing at photos of these celebrities and didn't know just how to fantasize. I kept using the same old fetish plots in my head. But now I have the scenes written out for me! That may not be how A.N. Roquelaure intended her readers to enjoy the book. It may also mean deviating from characters' descriptions (such as the celebrities' complexion versus the characters' they portray in my head). But as for details of physique and sexual anatomy, I go with how A.N. Roquelaure's writing described them.

Not that that is the only way to enjoy the book. Take it in any direction as it pleases you. If you care for story, and artful storytelling, for plot and character development, you'll find all of that in the book, too. No shoddy, sloppy, carelessness in the prose here. Details are handled with care, so that this is not crass pornography, but rather an elegant and classy offering. It bears a second, third, fourth rereading for its subtleties and nuances. For example, I love this quote from chapter 8: "When you are a naked pleasure slave, it seems to me, you learn not to be vain, but to reside completely in your physical being." I think that's beautiful, and makes me all the more curious about the characters' psychologies, not just their bodies.

I approach this book with a fantastical playfulness. Even the prose is light and easy. It does not beg to be taken too deeply or seriously. Rather it teasingly invites and beckons the reader into a guiltless fantasy (although rebelling towards an internalized and lingering Catholic guilt can be a certain pleasure in itself).

An important but rather tragic event is told in the first chapter of the book, and it is necessary to propel the plot. That is the only bitter episode, and death is just too real and seemingly out-of-place in a fairy-tale world. Death, as in the Tarot, is not just the signal of an end, but also a new beginning. It comes with its own sweet promise: the return of Laurent and Beauty to Bellavalten, now to serve as the new King and Queen. This is just too delicious! Once priced pleasure slaves, they are now to rule the kingdom. This swing in the roles of master and slave titillates with wonderfully wicked possibilities! Notice that in Bellavalten, the Queen is as powerful as the King, and so I am sure my feminist friends would approve.

How best to describe Beauty's Kingdom? It's like a happy reunion of ex-lovers, sans the drama. It is an enviable parallel universe where sexuality is not repressed but celebrated.

Rice, as a mistress of invention, is famous for turning long accepted literary conventions on its head. Under her masterful imagination, vampires become not just monstrous creatures but tormented souls. Werewolves are heroes and not mere slaves to the Moon. Angels are not quaint figurines but powerful emissaries from a heavenly realm. Witches aren't hags, but tragically beautiful women, powerful and yet helpless to their own fates or appetites.

Now with Beauty and Laurent ruling, Roquelaure shakes up the 'rules' of Bellavalten's world and expands it to limitless possibilities. Throughout the book, these changes are called "improvements," and such they are. If only Anastasia or Grey would sign up for slavery under Beauty and Laurent, they might learn a thing or two about classy erotica. Anne Rice seems to get better and better with each new book she sends out, and this could very well be her best yet.

Oh, had I been born beautiful I would have loved to serve in King Laurent and Queen Beauty's Court! At least, within the pages of this fantasy, I can. Suffice to say it gives motivation to work out daily.

Part I: Twilight of an Old Kingdom, tells of how dominion of Bellavalten is passed on to King Laurent and Queen Beauty. These lead characters make a willful decision, and hold fast to it with iron conviction.

Part II: Welcome to Beauty's Kingdom, where we are given a tour by characters distinctly drawn and nuanced. Some long chapters are divided into sections marked by Roman numerals. Each episode can be read on its own day (or night), as it climaxes and leaves you with a sigh.

There is great intrigue and anticipation at the coming of a key character. All the new characters, lords or slaves, mirror in their own way the strength of conviction and decision that their Monarchs have.

Part III: The Destiny of Queens, wherein through mounting intrigue the many mysteries coursing through the novel are solved. Yet, the explosive last two chapters are real game changers, in a book that has already changed the game for the genre, as they race to a thundering and climactic ending that left me breathless.

Anne Rice often advised aspiring writers to "Go where the pain is; go where the pleasure is." In this book, she shows that Pain and Pleasure are one thing, and that can be the grace that saves you.

Here's my favorite quote from Queen Beauty herself: "One cannot command oneself to love. How blessed we are those of us who do not have to try to do this. And we cannot command ourselves to love one form of loving over another."

When you finish the book you get a sense of what only pleasure slaves know: "The sanctuary of the bedroom, no matter how opulent and protected, was not the great engulfing world of the kingdom. The great world had a way of working itself into any bedchamber outside this kingdom" (page 241).

Beauty's Kingdom as a title is apt, because throughout the pages of this book you'll find nothing but beauty in all shapes, sizes, colors and forms—and startling new meanings and symbolisms. This is erotica excellently executed, and I hope there will be more stories from A.N. Roquelaure (or even from Anne Rampling). A book about the Secret City of Khaharanka, perhaps?

Friday, November 6, 2015

Beauty's Kingdom, chapter 18

A truly pagan fete, this chapter is!  And my catholic heart is filled with all sorts of envy.  The plot thunders on, and my heart beats fast for the Marriage Ceremony: the Maiden on the Platter. Where now, both Laurent and Beauty are the kingdom, are the fullness of the realm, Slave and Master.  Beautiful.  A new meaning to it all!  Maddening in its utter beauty and festive abandon.

What I'd give to join that wild party!

I'd like to thank Anne Rice for writing this beautiful novel.  Anne, thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Beauty's Kingdom, chapter 17

"No one expects you ever to pretend to feel that which you do not feel!" Alexi attests in this chapter, and how lovely it is to be nakedly honest... but why do we need permission?  Why do we need to be told to experience the fullness of our emotions?  Why can't we as human beings own up to our feelings?  We were born naked, put on clothing over our bodies, and then grow up to put on masks and other pretensions over our hearts.

I am not gonna spoil anything, but it's the last two chapters and the plot is building to another climax with mounting suspense and mystery.  Why couldn't this novel have gone on and on?

"You are as much a man and woman as I am a man and woman," Dmitri tells the Queen, and this is the beauty of the kingdom: total acceptance of one's self, and the sharing of that self to others fully.

Titania makes an appearance here again.  I'm dying to know what this all means!  On to the next chapter!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Beauty's Kingdom, chapter 16

Here, King Laurent is described (by Eva) as a person of immense self-confidence and inner strength.  Oh, how to be that!  That is earned.  And truly that's why Laurent is royalty.  But surely there is some way for me to approximate that.  I have so much to learn.

I wonder if A.N. Roquelaure depicted Lexius as quite obnoxious and presumptuous in preparation for this scene, or whether, as I am inclined to believe, she simply followed his behavior in her mind's eye as the chapters unfolded, wrote it down, and then when she got to this chapter, had Lexius take a dose of Laurent's medicine.  Maybe the latter, and I am basing that solely on Anne's many videos on writing, which are very useful for aspiring writers.  It's November and a lot of people are NaNo-ing, and Anne gives much practical advice here.

In this chapter there is a seed, a hint, a possibility, of a future A.N. Roquelaure book!  Or am I wishfully thinking?

But I'm beginning to feel very sorry for Lexius now.  And this is Anne's trick (or devise) that I always fall for.  I get emotionally involved in her characters.  Always.  I could never be neutral towards them.  I am either antipathetic or totally sympathetic.  Madly in love, or seething in hatred.  But always there is a feeling.  Lexius now is working his way into my heart.

Well, what Lexius revealed, I never expected.  And then again, when has Anne ever been predictable?

It's a good time as any to reveal who I think of as Titania, the fairy woman who started it all with her gift of a hundred years' sleep to Beauty.  My ultimate teenage crush, of course.  Lea Salonga.  I wanted her to be Lady Eva from the beginning.  Well, maybe I could allow that.  And have Zhang Ziyi swap as Titania.  Well, it's my imagination.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Beauty's Kingdom, chapter 15

Well, although there wasn't a description of a hot scene because they seem to be minor characters, maybe I could assign Cristiano Ronaldo as Prince Richard, and Neymar as Penryn?  Let me decide on it after some thought.

Maybe, too, Zac Efron can be a fantasy Valentine.  Who to play Cesar?  I originally imagined Cristiano for that role.  Hm... all right, Cristiano as Cesar.  I am decided.

I am so far from having my goal abs (deadline is 25 December), and I must be both my own master and slave in this respect.  "Discipline had to pervade every moment of their lives," Prince Alexi said.  And that shall be my own prescription.

Brenn said at the end of the chapter in description of Beauty's Kingdom, "I never in my wildest longing dreamed of such a paradise."  You and me both, Brenn.  You and me both.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Beauty's Kingdom, chapter 14

Finally, Lexius arrives, but not in the manner I hoped for.  Well, when did Rice ever wrote something predictable anyway?  I hope Lexius doesn't disappoint.  He is beautiful!

Now Queen Beauty said something unnerving to me.  "It's as if every slave, no matter how lowly, how disobedient, how submissive, or how perfect is connected by a golden thread to my very heart."  Why this unsettled me is because not only is this true for me (I am in love with Queen Beauty), but also it reminded me of Christ.

That is strange to say reading erotica.  And I don't want to Christianize pornography.  But her statement made me think of Jesus, who became Man, and knows exactly how we all feel, being once all enslaved to sin, until, with His death and resurrection, triumphed over death and is now King of all.  For Beauty, she was slave first before ascending into Queen, through many trials.  Christ is God, who became Man, and also faced many trials.  Their identification with slaves is what's haunting to me.  Did not the Prophet Isaiah call the Messiah the Suffering Servant?  All right, end of such talk and back to Bellavalten.  When I get to the Christ the Lord series, I'll have lots to say about Jesus.

 Bellavalten.  A kingdom that exists for pure pleasure.  Now that is heaven.

As an afterthought, I think that Paul Bettany would have made a sexy Lord Stefan, had I not chosen Jon Bon Jovi beforehand.  Maybe I'm allowed to make changes?  Well, tell me what you think.

Well, I'm now at the end of the chapter and turns out that Lexius is sort of obnoxious. What a letdown.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Beauty's Kingdom, chapter 13

Prince Dmitri describes his style of discipline thus: "following an instinct to do what gave me the highest pleasure."  I am wondering if this style applies to other things, like one's job or vocation.  Instinctive, pleasurable.

There are many words I had to google the meaning of as I read Beauty's Kingdom, and I feel stupid that it is only now that I thought of listing them.  Well, all's not lost.  Equipage, pronounced ˈɛkwɪpɪdʒ, probably came from the root word Equus, which means horse. It means "a carriage and horses with attendants."

Hey, I know all of this is fiction, but I can't help but wonder if human beings would truly blossom when trained as a pleasure slave.  Or is this suspension of disbelief taking me over in the tale?  I am thinking of Dmitri's plans for disciplining Becca, making her lovelier.  But look at Beauty, isn't she the Queen of Sublime Gracefulness?  Did her years as a slave teach her that?  Beauty said, "It is unspeakable to live in misery in such a kingdom as this and never be able to give vent to your deepest feelings, to be denied what you truly want."  Simply remarkable that thought!

The title of this chapter is Dmitri: A New Challenge with the Masked One, and it excited me to find out who the masked one is!  Too delicious!  All I can say now is that Beauty's Kingdom truly is where dreams come true.

My ultimate football crush is Neymar, and I have been forever reserving him for a character of my desire, but I've gone to chapter 13, and now I'm afraid that the book might have run out of a naked slave for him.  I hope not.

hottest Brazilian ever
And there's Cristiano Ronaldo as well, although I imagine him to be Cesar, King Laurent's lead stallion.  Why not?

Well, if I can't find any more roles for them in the Beauty books, I'll reserve them for the Rampling stories! Oh, yeah, of course, Zac Efron, too.

Now this chapter is between Dmitri and the Masked One, and it is hot.  Simply hot.  What Prince Dmitri said reminded me of how I felt when I broke up with my ex.  "And so my life spread out before me and torn as I was, suffering as I was, I could not help but be grateful and glad."  So then I know I really loved him.  And that it's really over.

Beauty's Kingdom, chapter 12

"Georgette, Charlotte, and Samantha, those are their names! Only no one ever knew them by those names when they served as grooms under the late queen. In those days, they were George, Charles and Samuel! Well, they've come back, and dressed as men! Same as before...and begging the new queen to allow them to serve once more.

"And the new queen has allowed it. 'Why not?' she said. 'Why should they not live as men if the choose.'"

Beauty's Kingdom is so aptly titled, as it is not only the Sleeping Beauty's realm, but also a place where true beauty is accepted, celebrated, and nourished. The label 'transgender' does not exist in this kingdom, nor does any such derogatory labels. What is encouraged is a loving, dignifying acceptance of one's true self. And that is the key to Beauty's kingdom.

Little side comment: I love the name Neshi!

Chapter 9 was mostly told in Brenn's point of view. Now we are told Sybil's experience as she enters service as a Pony for Queen Beauty. And it's an exquisitely beautiful chapter, resplendent with delicious detail. It's almost like every new chapter in this story becomes my favorite.

Tilda Swinton as Georgette

Mario Götze as Oweyn